Sunday, November 20, 2005

I'm Back !!!

Hi again. but no one is seeing my blog. what a hexx. nothing much happening this few month only that i got a new jobs... Want to know my new jobs? seem no want interested. ok if u really want to know then post to me and i tell u every detail.....

I now joining internet Surfing and earning some money alredi... i mean in Us dollar,interesting topic!!!!!. i will post detail this few day for those interest.

What happen today? nothing much. just come back from friend wedding. chinese marreid to malay. that's Malaysia Spirit and Culture. Don't be surprise....

maybe you don't see any picture coz i dun have camere yet. poor little guy here. Dun worry i believe soon i will getting one to show the public.

Well folks. that's all for today and see you guys an gal tomorrow and the rest of the day!!!


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