Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Yes! i just joined Advertlets.com and my blog is posting they ads. If feel interest then go to website http://www.advertlets.com/ and sign up then copy the code & paste to you blog & start earn real money. So far i know they open to Malaysia & Singapore. So, don't sit there & read my blog, go action and signup before is too late.
If you asking me why i need to joing Adverlets. well, i cannot tell you but the power of google can let you know, just type advertlets in the google search bar and hundreds of related information will show up.


JaCk said...

Greetings from Europe :D

Peter Lim said...

Nice 2 meet you, jack

xerxesrex said...

hey dude, wazzup man, is MTR not MRT lar,haha